In the last few posts we’ve covered a lot of material on team dynamics. This is obviously important, but it is critical that you, as a leader, must remember that your team is composed of individuals. Much has been written about difficult or troublesome members on a team and we will discuss some of that in future posts. To begin this topic on a positive note, however, this post will focus on who you would like on your team.
It must be understood, especially as a new, incoming pastor, that you may not have the option of establishing teams of your choosing. You will most likely have to start with existing teams, some of whom may have been in place for a long period of time. This can obviously be good or bad dependent on the team composition. It is important for you to meet with all teams as soon as you can to understand all aspects of the team. Who are the team members? What do they see as their mission/ministry? What are the team dynamics and interpersonal relationships? How were they managed in the past and did they see that as effective?
There are obviously more questions that should be considered but these are the basics with which to begin. It is also strongly advised that you meet with several members of each team individually. They may offer more candid comments and insights in this type of setting. As a leader, it will be important for you to consider the broader perspective as you develop your understanding of the team. Relying too heavily on one or two team members may not provide an accurate picture of the situation.
It is also fair to question how the team could be improved? Are some members interested in leaving? Are there other parishioners who may be looking to get involved? Could ministries/teams be combined to be more effective? You don’t necessarily need to act on the information provided right away but you could retain it for the future.
What should you be looking for when the opportunity arises to replace team members or form new teams? In an excellent e-book entitled, Toxic Leadership, by Tobin Perry he outlines 6 characteristics you need in team members:
- Mutiplier – staff members must be able to train the next generation of leaders for their team/ministry
- Team Player – Team members must be good teammates and not stars who excel at the expense of others.
- Growing in intimacy with Jesus – people need to understand why they are on the team and the big picture/overall mission.
- Forward thinker – church teams can often be stuck in the past; while respecting tradition, they also need to know how to minister in the 21st century
- Exemplifies your values – choose team members who understand and respect your philosophy, your values so that they align with your efforts
Effectively leading teams to accomplish your mission and goals is one of the most difficult jobs for any pastor/leader. It requires a delicate balance of respect, compassion and discipline but efforts here are time well spent.