
God Dreams 12 Vision Templates… Will Mancini

“God Dreams shows how to reclaim the role of long-range vision today by providing 12 vision templates, each with biblical, historical and contemporary illustrations. These vision starters will dramatically accelerate your team’s ability to find complete agreement regarding your church’s future.  God Dreams explains how to overcome the fruitless planning efforts that many church teams experience.   This tool will galvanize a diverse team of ministry leaders and volunteers with unprecedented enthusiasm.”

Carey Nieuwhof

A former lawyer and now a pastor of his own church who has an excellent website on leadership that would be relevant to many in ministry

Sacred Hoops – Spiritual Lessons of a Hardwood Warrior

An excellent resource to teach the value of team vs individual contributors.  This may be particularly of interest to sports minded priests as it is co-written by the famous basketball coach and former player, Phil Jackson.  He provides good insights and guidance on leadership and motivation.

Leading in times of crisis: daily webcast starts Monday- Yeshua Leader

I have advised readers to check out this site but they are now offering a daily webinar that I strongly recommend based on their expertise and experience

Hang 10: Crisis Leadership for Christians is the title of a 10-minute webcast that begins this coming Monday, April 6.



Getting to Yes – Fisher and Ury

Getting to Yes has helped millions of people learn a better way to negotiate – it is based on the work of the Harvard Negotiation Project, a group that deals with all levels of negotiation and conflict resolution.

Pastoral Leadership – Best Practices for Church Leaders Dan Ebener

In this practical, visionary, and accessible book, veteran teacher, author, and parish leader Dan Ebener explores what it takes to lead in a Catholic parish. He contends that anyone can lead change in a parish with or without positional authority. The premise of this book is that the Church needs leadership. In most places, the Church is over-managed and under-led. To turn this around, we need clergy to: 1. Provide more leadership and less management themselves. 2. Develop the leadership potential of the laity.

Stewardship Advocates

Though superb theological education is available in our seminaries, Orthodox clergy  unfortunately receive little training  in the crucial skills necessary for leading, managing, etc.  Stewardship Advocates serves to bridge the gap between theory and best practices with  proven methodologies

Evangelium Consulting

Evangelium Consulting Group helps leaders implement a simple, virtue-based, and practical approach to organizational health so that you and your leadership team can increase the effectiveness of your organization and your work.

Leadership Roundtable

“Leadership Roundtable promotes best practices and accountability in the management, finances, communications and human resources development of the Catholic Church in the US including a greater incorporation of the expertise of the laity.”

Servant Leadership Models for Your Parish – Dan R. Ebener

Offers practical wisdom based on solid research about the practice of servant leadership. Models created from church-based research include: seven behaviors practiced by leaders and members in a servant-led organization, seven “keys” that explain why servant leadership works, and many real-life examples that describe how servant leadership works.  The main message here is that if the leader serves the people, the mission and the organization, the people will serve each other, the mission and the organization.